Golden sun Meditation


Golden Sun Meditation

The Gold Sun Meditation

Through the years I have developed many fun methods and tools you can use to help you with your own well-being, as well as to help others. Guided meditations are a wonderful way to quickly and easily return to centeredness and grounding. You can use them at the spur of the moment any time you need them.

The Gold Sun meditation will bring you into a feeling of peace and well-being as you bathe yourself in the rays of golden healing light.

Another benefit of guided meditation is that they are perfect for when you need the solution for a problem and more thinking isn’t yielding results. This meditative mental break will help you let go and let your subconscious reveal the answer from a relaxed mind.

Download the Teachable Online Courses app to your smart phone and so you always have access to listen and be peaceful whenever needed.

After listening to it many times you will find it become part of your go-to methods for regaining peace in your hectic day-to-day life.

This is a mini-course specifically created to help you choose from the hundreds of different tarot decks available today (and the selection continues to grow).

Immediate access to the Gold Sun Meditation

  • The Gold Sun Meditation video(5:32)
  • The Gold Sun Meditation audio

Guided meditations are a wonderful way to escape your monkey-mind, or take a much-needed break in your busy day, and reconnect with your natural inner peace.

Keep this simple meditation handy to listen to daily, before sleep, or whenever it feels right.

Another benefit of guided meditation is that they are perfect for when you need the solution for a problem and more thinking isn’t yielding results. This meditative mental break will help you let go and let your subconscious reveal the answer from a relaxed mind.

Relax and enjoy!

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