Would you like to contact a deceased loved one?


Love is the only energy that can transcend death. Your loved ones do not stop loving you or stop wanting to communicate with you just because they have made their transition beyond human existence.

 Through everlasting love, their spirit is still connected to you and willingly passes information along so you can receive it in ways you will understand. Acting as a Medium, I hear, feel, and see the information, which comes in the form of memories, symbols, aromas, and references to family photos, belongings, and heirloom items. They will also acknowledge other loved ones who are present for you and want to be heard.

Loved ones do not disconnect because of their passing.

During a reading, your loved ones will often share messages with you, enabling you to connect with those in your life who have passed on. They might refer to current events, new jobs, new weddings, anniversaries, new babies, and other important happenings. Messages may include important dates and special events for the family in the past and near future. This reading can allow you to sense your loved one’s spirit again, find peace and comfort, and experience closure.

 In the case where someone close has passed on, and the relationship has not been a healthy one, I can help bring closure to the open wounds that did not get healed during that person’s time on earth. I can help bring healing and forgiveness to your relationship, even after their passing.